Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán & The Biomagnetic Pair

In 1988, Dr Isaac Goiz Duran, from Mexico, discovered The Biomagnetic Pair (BP).

It can be said that the human body is an electromagnetic machine. The main source of energy comes from the Earth’s magnetic field. Oxygen, food, cellular activity, physical and mental activity, the flow of liquids and biochemical factors continuously produce “biomagnetic energy”. Consequently, it is understandable that the onset or treatment of many illnesses may be the cause or consequence of changes in the body’s biomagnetic potential.

Our bodies are made up of 80% water, with the remaining 20% being material of a soft consistency. “We are neither metal nor wood”; our bodies are supple and subject to the concept known as pH.

The body is designed by nature to have a pH of 7.3 or a pH of 6.7. Between these two values, tending towards either acidity or alkalinity by +/- 0.3, everything is perfect.

The concentration of hydrogen ions in substances (water and organic material) must remain at a pure energy level; there must be no movement towards extreme acidosis or extreme alkalosis.

According to Dr. Isaac Goiz: "When an illness affects the body, two magnetic fields are created, one more acidic, one more alkaline. Our health depends upon a stable pH, but, obviously, the forces of nature and the elements that shape our tissues tend towards acidity or alkalosis, though this is not pathogenic and does not produce symptomatology".
Our pH tends to diverge from this level when we eat, exercise, when it is cold, when it is hot, also when we are emotional; as long as there are no pathogens, this will not cause any problem in our health, though we can still feel tired, sad, nervous, irritable, and so forth.
The problem occurs when a pathogen, virus, bacteria, fungus or parasite enters the body. When this happens, the pH is altered at two specific points in the body, known as the BP (Goiz, 2012).

The majority of illnesses are caused by pathogenic micro-organisms. Biomagnetism prevents an illness developing and individuals do not necessarily have to be feeling unwell to undergo therapy.

Canalmantra 2012, El Biomagnetismo Médico - Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran. Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAFiLxHtkuo [22/08/2014].
Codigos del Universo 2012, , Dr. Issac Goiz. Available: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyuFGnLrw8g [29/01/2014].
Discoverydsalud 2012, El par biomagnetico. Available: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K15xutH_Fko [29/01/2014].


Broeringmeyer, R., Mary 1987, Energy Therapy, Bio Health Enterprises.
Hilu, R. n.d, , Terapias y tratamientos complementarios - Par biomagnético. Available: http://www.centromedicohilu.com/eng/06tratamiento-parbiomagnetico.htm [22/08/2014].


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